What is a cold room? & Points should be Consider While Selecting one

One of the first solutions that spring to mind when we consider preserving products is a refrigeration chamber or a Coolroom Builder. As a result, if you wish your products to last longer, here are the following points you should consider:

How does a cold room work?

As the name suggests, refrigerating chambers or coolroom are warehouses in which a specific temperature is maintained artificially. These containers are used to store products under conditions that are below the outside temperatures of the room.

Products requiring refrigeration include fruits, vegetables, seafood, meat, flowers, and other food products.

The first cold rooms were known as snowfields. Wells that included retaining walls of various sizes, openings that allowed snow to be introduced, and ice removed from the well were considered such wells. As a result, the ice would not melt even if there was some snow on it.

In a cold room, how do I choose the temperature?

Depending upon what will be stored and how it will be stored, the interior temperature needed will vary. One known application of food preservation involves storing food at below zero temperatures so that the food can be preserved, such as frozen foods. You recommended that you keep local fruit and vegetables at 0°C (degrees Celsius) and tropical and subtropical fruits at five °C (degrees Celsius).

What is the purpose of the design of a cold room?

In designing these rooms and the choice of equipment, its location should be considered so that the personnel can have access to these rooms safely. The choice of the cooling system that is determined by analyzing life cycle cost and energy efficiency is a critical step in deciding whether a cold room will be safe to access and maneuver. It is essential that contractors, engineers and owners take part in the selection of the cold room heating and cooling system.

How do cold rooms make mistakes in their design?

The design and construction of cold rooms are often plagued by bad practices despite the fact that they are such a valuable strategy for commercial purposes. A few examples are as follows:

·       Usually ceilings and walls of a room are constructed of materials that are not insulating. Those would include partitions and panels made of non-insulating materials.

  • ·        Having inadequately sized rooms causes problems for maneuvering and storing products.
  • ·        You want to preserve your product in a coolroom with the wrong cooling system.
  • ·        A room without an access control system is hard to control due to temperature fluctuations.

How should I proceed?

It is of the utmost importance to preserve your products adequately, and this cannot be an option but rather the norm. When your company is guaranteed this process, you will significantly benefit from it due to increased profits. To get a quote on the right equipment and a specific and specialized design for your company, it is crucial that you identify your needs and what kind of process you desire for your products.


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